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Celebrating 2 Years of NMD Inc: 10 Lessons I’ve Learned as an Entrepreneur.

Celebrating 2 Years of NMD Inc: 10 Lessons I’ve Learned as an Entrepreneur


Two years ago, I took the leap into entrepreneurship with my namesake NMD Inc., and what a journey it has been! From the thrill of starting a business to the challenges of growing it, every day has been a learning experience. As we celebrate our second anniversary, I wanted to share the top 10 lessons I’ve learned along the way.


1. Passion is Your Driving Force

When I started NMD Inc., I knew that passion would be crucial, but I didn’t realize just how much it would fuel my journey. Passion is what keeps you going when the days are long, and the challenges seem insurmountable. It’s the spark that drives innovation and the energy behind every new idea.


2. Adaptability is Key

If there’s one constant in entrepreneurship, it’s change. Markets shift, client needs evolve, and unforeseen challenges arise. I’ve learned that being adaptable—ready to pivot when necessary—is not just beneficial; it’s essential. Flexibility in strategy and approach has allowed NMD Inc. to navigate uncertain times and come out stronger. It has also been my greatest lesson because I needed to be more flexible.


3. Building a Strong Network is Vital

You can’t do it alone. Building a network of mentors, peers, and supporters has been one of the most valuable aspects of my entrepreneurial journey. These connections offer advice, provide support, and sometimes open doors that you didn’t even know existed. I’m a solopreneur so partnering with the right creative collaborators is a must. Good vibes and good people only.


4. Embrace Failure as a Learning Tool

Failure is inevitable, but it’s also an incredible teacher. Some of the most important lessons I’ve learned have come from mistakes and setbacks. Instead of fearing failure, I’ve learned to embrace it, analyse it, and use it to fuel growth.  I have shaped and reshaped this business so much in the last two years due to the many lessons that I have learnt.


5. Customer Relationships Are Everything

At NMD Inc., our clients are at the heart of everything we do. Building and maintaining strong relationships with customers is more than just good business—it’s the foundation of long-term success. Understanding their needs, exceeding their expectations, and earning their trust has been key to our growth. A big shout out to our Day Ones!


6. Time Management is a Superpower

In entrepreneurship, time is one of your most precious resources. Learning to manage it effectively—balancing work with personal life, prioritizing tasks, and avoiding burnout—has been a game-changer. Good time management isn’t just about productivity; it’s about sustaining your energy and passion over the long haul. Also, this girl is T-I-R-E-D.. I didn’t realize how burnt out I was after 2 decades of hustling. The beauty of being an entrepreneur is owning my time to manage my personal life so much better than I did before. Alas, work life balance. Time is our most precious resource and it needs to be protected at all cost.


7. Continuous Learning is Non-Negotiable

The business landscape is constantly evolving, and staying ahead means being a lifelong learner. Whether it’s through formal education, online courses, or simply learning from others, I have made continuous learning a priority. It’s helped me to stay innovative and competitive in a rapidly changing market. Learning has also helped to keep my brain chugging …Never stop learning!


8. Cash Flow is King

One of the earliest lessons I learned was the importance of cash flow. No matter how great your ideas or how big your dreams, without proper cash flow management, a business can quickly find itself in trouble. I’ve learned to keep a close eye on finances, plan for the future, and always have a cushion for unexpected expenses.


9. Celebrate the Small Wins

In the hustle of entrepreneurship, it’s easy to focus on the big goals and overlook the small victories. But I’ve learned the importance of celebrating those moments, too. Each small win is a step forward, and recognizing them keeps you motivated and positive. One of my biggest wins this year was being selected as one of the agencies that executed the Bob Marley One Love Global Premiere in Jamaica. Celebrating an Icon in my own country…whew what an experience.


10. Gratitude Goes a Long Way

Lastly, I’ve learned to cultivate gratitude—for the journey, the lessons, the successes, and the challenges. Gratitude has helped me stay grounded and appreciate every aspect of being an entrepreneur. It’s a powerful tool that has kept me motivated and inspired, even on the toughest days.

As we mark two years of NMD Inc., I’m filled with excitement for the future and gratitude for the journey so far. Thank you to everyone who has been a part of this journey—I couldn’t have done it without you! Here’s to many more years of learning, growth, and success.



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